freshwater lake

美 [ˈfreʃwɔːtər leɪk]英 [ˈfreʃwɔːtə(r) leɪk]
  • 淡水湖
freshwater lakefreshwater lake
  1. An ocean is the last place you 'd expect to find a freshwater lake .


  2. It 's the world 's second largest lake and the world 's largest freshwater lake .


  3. Poyang lake is the largest freshwater lake in China at present .


  4. Poyang lake in East China 's Jiangxi Province is the country 's largest freshwater lake .


  5. The largest freshwater lake in the world ; the deepest of the Great Lakes .


  6. China 's largest freshwater lake is Lake Poyang with an area of 3,583 square kilometers .


  7. They 'd been fortunate to find an underground freshwater lake , but food was more difficult .


  8. Lake Dongting is the largest lake in the province and the second largest freshwater lake of China .


  9. Actually , Lake Erhai is a freshwater lake .


  10. Erhai is the second largest freshwater lake in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau .


  11. Poyang Lake is the biggest freshwater lake in China and the biggest ecological wetland in Asia as well .


  12. The main environment problem of the Taihu Lake , the third largest freshwater lake in china , is the water eutrophication .


  13. Microcystis and microcystin pollution in freshwater lake is receiving increasing attention around the world as a public health concern .


  14. The freshwater lake could have an even larger impact on Earth 's climate if it emptied into the North Atlantic quickly .


  15. Hefei is the only provincial capital near a major freshwater lake in China and closest to the east coastal areas in central China ;


  16. Bosten Lake was the largest freshwater lake inland China , located in the arid region of the central area of Asia .


  17. As the third largest freshwater lake in China , Taihu Lake is characterized by its large surface area ( 2338 km2 ) .


  18. Taihu Lake was the biggest freshwater lake in the Yangtze Delta and the source of water supply for Shanghai and east Zhejiang Province .


  19. Average carbon production was 1 372 mg / m 2 · d , close to that in freshwater lake and high yield fishpond .


  20. The Zaysan Basin in eastern Kazakstan has been the site of a freshwater lake since Late Cretaceous time .


  21. Dongting Lake is the second freshwater lake of China , and its functions include transportation , aquatic production and environmental improvement , and so on .


  22. Lake Taihu , which is the second largest freshwater lake in China , isa very typical shallow freshwater lake located in Eastern China .


  23. Lake Erhai located in Dali City of Dali Bai Autonomous Region , is the second largest plateau freshwater lake in Yunnan Province .


  24. Analysis of Cretaceous environment and paleogeography indicates that Gansu Lanzhou Qinghai Minghe would be a freshwater lake basin of midland .


  25. Plans show the canal bulldozing through four separate nature parks , as well across the largest freshwater lake in the region , Lake Nicaragua .


  26. The33.5 million people living around Taihu will probably have to wait another decade to drink clean water from the country 's third-largest freshwater lake .


  27. Located in the central region of Wuhan City Circle , Liangzi Lake is the second largest freshwater lake in Hubei province and national top ten in China .


  28. Dongting Lake , the second-largest freshwater lake in China , is located in the north of Hunan province and on the south bank of Yangtze River .


  29. Fish traders sell fresh catch in Yueyang town , which lies on the shores of Dongting Lake , China 's second largest freshwater lake .


  30. In order to store water for Beijing , Wangkuai has stopped supplying water to Hebei 's Baiyangdian , the largest freshwater lake in northern China .
